Upgrading i2b2 from version 1.7.09c to 1.7.12
Version Information
Current Version: | 1.7.12 |
Release Date: | December, 2019 |
License: | Mozilla 2 Open Source License |
Description | i2b2 Released Version | Minimum Version Required | Download Link | Requirements |
Files to upgrade the i2b2 server to 1.7.12 | 1.7.12 | 1.7.09c | See Technical Details section on the i2b2 Upgrades page. |
Release 1.7.12 contains changes to the i2b2 core Server, database and Web Client.
- The upgrade process is now made easier using a pre-built war file and the properties files are now stored in the database.
- The prebuilt-war file has all the core, web and database files packaged together and available as single download zip file.
Note: If you are running your application on JBoss, please upgrade to Wildfly before proceeding with the upgrade.
Upgrade Instructions
Below are Step-by-Step Instructions after you have upgraded to Wildfly.
Step-by-Step Instructions for WildFly
In the following instructions the variable { version } refers to your version of Wildfly installed. We have tested with Wildfly 10, 14, and 17.
Stop WildFly
Backup your existing i2b2.war directory
Extract the download file i2b2core-war-1712.zip to a folder outside of wildfly folder.
Copy all the files from the download war file deployment into your existing WildFly standalone directory.
Upgrade i2b2 Databases to 1.7.12
Run the following upgrade scripts on your i2b2 database instance, where {db} can be Oracle, sqlserver or postgresql
In /upgrade/database/ folder | |
CRC | Open the file: /upgrade/database/Crcdata/crc_create_query_{db}.sql and run the last two relevant sections (upgrading from 1.7.09c): For example, for SQL server: alter table QT_QUERY_RESULT_TYPE add USER_ROLE_CD VARCHAR(255); insert into QT_PRIVILEGE(PROTECTION_LABEL_CD, DATAPROT_CD, HIVEMGMT_CD) values ('SETFINDER_QRY_PROTECTED','DATA_PROT','USER') |
Ontology | Open the file: /upgrade/database/Metadata/ont_{db}.sql and run the script: For example, for SQL server: alter table TABLE_ACCESS add C_ONTOLOGY_PROTECTION VARCHAR(MAX); |
PM | Open the file: /upgrade/database/Pmdata/upgrade_{db}_i2b2pm_tables.sql and run the last relevant section (upgrading from 1.7.09c): For example, for SQL server: ALTER TABLE PM_USER_LOGIN CREATE INDEX PM_USER_LOGIN_IDX ON PM_USER_LOGIN(USER_ID, ENTRY_DATE); |
Update the datasource (*-ds.xml) files in your deployment directory
Copy *-ds.xml files from the backup folder to wildfly-1#.0.1.Final/standalone/deployments
Edit the following files crc-ds.xml, ont-ds.xml, pm-ds.xml, work-ds.xml
and replace ALL the <driver>{something}.jar</driver> with
Oracle | SQL Server | PostgreSQL |
<driver>ojdbc8.jar</driver> | <driver>mssql-jdbc-7.4.1.jre8.jar</driver> | <driver>postgresql42.2.8.jar</driver> |
Backup your existing i2b2_config_data.js from your web server
On your webclient backup your existing i2b2_config_data.js to a folder outside of your web server.
Install the new webclient on your web server
Start WildFly
Verify your upgrade