Release 1.7.09 had changes to the file. Since some sites might be upgrading from 1.7.08 or earlier, we have kept the steps to update the files in these updgrade notes. However, if you are already on 1.7.09, 1.7.09a or higher you will skip the step to modify the file as you have already done this step.
Release 1.7.09c contains changes to the i2b2 Web Client. Therefore in addition to the upgrade zip file you also need to download the file from the website.
Because this release contains Web Client changes, the i2b2 Admin module that resides on the i2b2 server will also need to be updated. The Web Client and Admin share code and although none of the changes are specific to the Admin, this update in necessary to make sure the two applications remain in sync.
Upgrade Instructions
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No link could be created for 'i2b2 Upgrades'.
Knowing some sites have remained on JBoss 7 while some have upgraded to WildFly 10, we have gone ahead and provided Step-by-Step Instructions for both scenarios. For the most part the overall process is very similar. What is different, is the path in which the files reside. Expand the box below to see an example of the differences between the two path names.
On Linux, make a copy of /opt/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/i2b2.war/ and save it to a different location outside of /opt/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/
On Windows, make a copy of c:\opt\jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\standalone\deployments\i2b2.war\ and save it to a different location outside of c:\opt\jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\
Open the file and copy the contents from it into the file located in the configuration directory on the i2b2 server.
DO NOT replace the file with the new file as the new file only contains the new parameters. If you replace the existing one you will lose all your current configurations and all the necessary parameters to run the crc.
Backup your existing admin directory
Extract / Copy the admin directory from the update zip file to your web server directory
To prevent the lossofyour current data configuration settings verify you can access the i2b2_config_data.js file in the backup copy of the admin directory you created in the previous step.
Copy your old i2b2_config_data.js file into the updated admin directory on your web server. Overwrite the existing file if prompted.
Navigate to your local i2b2 Web Client in your preferred browser and verify you are able to log on and perform standard i2b2 functions. (e.g. Run queries, retrieve previous queries, view breakdowns, etc.)
On Linux, make a copy of /opt/wildfly-10.0.0.Final/standalone/deployments/i2b2.war/ and save it to a different location outside of /opt/wildfly-10.0.0.Final/
On Windows, make a copy of c:\opt\wildfly-10.0.0.Final\standalone\deployments\i2b2.war\ and save it to a different location outside of c:\opt\wildfly-10.0.0.Final\
Open the file and copy the contents from it into the file located in the configuration directory on the i2b2 server.
DO NOT replace the file with the new file as the new file only contains the new parameters. If you replace the existing one you will lose all your current configurations and all the necessary parameters to run the crc.
Backup your existing admin directory
Extract / Copy the admin directory from the update zip file to your web server directory
To prevent the lossofyour current data configuration settings verify you can access the i2b2_config_data.js file in the backup copy of the admin directory you created in the previous step.
Copy your old i2b2_config_data.js file into the updated admin directory on your web server. Overwrite the existing file if prompted.
Navigate to your local i2b2 Web Client in your preferred browser and verify you are able to log on and perform standard i2b2 functions. (e.g. Run queries, retrieve previous queries, view breakdowns, etc.)