The current version can be found here:
There are also two videos:
The main features are:
- "Semi-graphical" program to install and administrate i2b2
- Full i2b2 installation support
- Automatic download and extraction of required software packages (Oracle XE, JBoss, ...)
- Automatic installation of Linux software packages (Java, ...)
- Automatic configuration and compilation of the i2b2 source code
- Automatic handling of all database stuff (schema creation, etc.)
- Full support for i2b2 administration
- Create and remove i2b2 projects and users
- Load and remove the Boston Demodata
- Change Hive ID and network interface and database configuration
- Change various passwords (e. g. from I2B2HIVE and I2B2PM)
- Recursive resolving of dependencies for setup targets / administration tasks