The data in this package provides data for a domain of i2b2demo and a project of Demo. The assumption is that the PM Service will be configured as such when installing the PM Cell.
Order of Installation
It is important the tables, procedures, and views are installed in the order defined below. Failure to do so will result in errors when running the scripts.
CRC Tables
- crcdata: create tables
- crcdata: create procedures
- crcdata: load data
- crcdata: create OMOP views
Ontology Tables
- metadata: create tables
- metadata: load data
Workplace Tables
- workdata: create tables
- workdata: load data
Extract the i2b2 Data Package
In the Requirements Chapter of this install document you downloaded a zip file that contained the i2b2 on OMOP data package. This zip file contains only those data installation scripts needed to create the i2b2 tables and load sample data for this project.
Steps to extract the code
You will want to make note of the location as it will be needed further along in the i2b2 installation. In the installation document whenever you see YOUR_I2B2_DATA_DIR it will need to be replaced with the location of your i2b2 Data files.
For your convenience an installation Worksheet to track the setup locations has been provided in the Appendices Chapter of the i2b2 Installation Guide..
Directory Structure and Schema Mapping