i2b2 Requirements
i2b2 Software Requirements
In regards to the i2b2 on OMOP project, the i2b2 Software requirements are very simple; your i2b2 server needs to be running on version 1.7.09 in order to query multiple OMOP CDM tables.
The current 1.7.09 release is a release candidate and the link to download it can be found on the Release 1.7.09-RC1 page.
i2b2 Database Requirements
Download the data package to install the crcdata, metadata and workdata tables.
Your existing installation of the hivedata and pmdata tables will be used; so unless you are setting up a completely new instance of i2b2 you do not need to setup these tables.
OMOP Requirements
OMOP CDM - Data Requirements
- OMOP CDM version 5 is implemented.
- CDM tables reside in the same database as your i2b2 tables.
- CMS SynPUF 1K data set is loaded into the CDM tables.
OMOP CDM version 5
CMS SynPUF 1K data set
This software package is designed to run with OMOP version 5. The sample metadata provided is intended to run queries against the CMS SynPUF 1K data set provided by OMOP (https://www.ohdsi.org/data-standardization/ bottom of page). It is recommended that users of this software are familiar with OMOP and it is required that the synPUF data is installed.