i2b2 Sponsored Project - NCBO Ontology Tools
The i2b2 Hive software is composed of core modules called 'cells' that create a system to allow the use of patient data for research. These cells communicate through web services and use i2b2 standard XML messages to transfer ontology-related metadata. To date, a subset of ICD-9 has been provided with the i2b2 demo software package. There has been a need in the community for access to a complete ICD-9 ontology as well as other clinical-based ontologies.
NCBO hosts a repository of biomedical ontologies. These ontologies are stored in formats that are not understood by i2b2. A tool has been developed to not only extract these ontologies via bioportal REST services, but to transform them into a format that is understood by the i2b2 ONT cell.
i2b2 Ontology Tutorial.pdf - Follow along for a step by step example of how metadata trees are created and configured