API Calls
The SMART i2b2 cell currently exposes a "Get Medications" function that returns the entire graph of stored medications in RDF/XML format for a single patient record via a REST call.
Get Medications
GET http://i2b2_server/records/{record id}/medications/
will return a list of medications in RDF/XML for a specific patient based on the record_id passed
Get Demographics
GET http://i2b2_server/records/{record id}/demographics/
will return the demographic information in RDF/XML for a specific patient based on the record_id passed
Get Problems
GET http://i2b2_server/records/{record id}/problems/
will return a list of problems in RDF/XML for a specific patient based on the record_id passed
Get Allergies
GET http://i2b2_server/records/{record id}/allergies/
will return a list of allergies in RDF/XML for a specific patient based on the record_id passed