Accrual to Clinical Trials
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Accrual to Clinical Trials ACT

Unzip Folders and Files

Manual Install Steps

Version 1.2 is released to ACT pilot sites as a zipped folder containing the i2b2 1.7.12 web client with prepackaged ACT plugins named act-webclient. To deploy the web client at your local site user, unzip the file into your web server directory (e.g. /var/www/html/)

Set Up Working Directory

Create the following 'working' directory on your system:  /opt/viewer_jobs (you can rename viewer_jobs if desired)



The ACT software requires a working directory. Here the software creates and updates files for background jobs, caching, and other tasks. The software needs create and write access to this working directory.



In the ACT_config.php file, we have provided a default location for your working directory. It is: /opt/viewer_jobs. You have to provide the correct access by running the chmod command as shown.

Create working directory
mkdir /opt/viewer_jobs
chmod -R a+w /opt/viewer_jobs

Not publicly accessible

Make sure web access is not allowed to this directory

Storage Needs

At least 0.5 Gigabyte of space is recommended for your working directory

Edit Configurations

Edit Config files locally


It is a good idea to edit config files locally and then copy all files to the web server.

To ensure that the ACT software works correctly, the ACT_config.php file has to be edited to accommodate your environment. This file can be found in the act-webclient root directory.

Details for each configuration task are shown below.

Shrine URL:



The SHRINE Connector software has a configuration item for your local SHRINE Adapter URL. This URL accepts service call requests from the SHRINE Connector.

SHRINE URL template

In most cases, your SHRINE URL will be https://your_hostname:6443/shrine/rest/i2b2/admin/request The your_hostname part of the URL is the host name or domain name of the web server where ACT is installed.

In the root folder of the ACT Web Client there is the ACT_config.php file. In here you can edit the shrine_url entry. This entry is where you place your SHRINE URL.

Edit ACT_config.php
return array(
	     'shrine_url' => 'your_SHRINE_URL_here',
		 'working_directory' => '/opt/viewer_jobs',
		 'site_name' => 'Partners',
	     'debug_logging' => true,
         'shrine_connector_logging' => false,
         'patient_list_exporter_logging' => false



i2b2 Domain & PM cell URL:



The i2b2_config_data.js configuration file contains config items for your i2b2 domain name, the URL of your i2b2 PM cell, and other config items.


Edit this config file adding your i2b2 domain name (domain), and PM cell URL (urlCellPM). 

edit i2b2_config_data.js
	urlProxy: "index.php",
	urlFramework: "js-i2b2/",
	lstDomains: [
		{ domain: "your_i2b2_Domain_here",
		  name: "ACT - Local i2b2",
		  urlCellPM: "your_i2b2_PM_cell_URL_here",
		  allowAnalysis: true,
		  //installer: "/webclient/plugin_installer/",
		  debug: true

Validate ACT Web Client installation

After the ACT webclient is successfully deployed to the web server, you can validate the installation using a tool provided with the webclient.

This tool can be accessed at http://url_to_your_webclient/ACT_requirements.php. When your validation is completed, you should remove ACT_requirements.php and ACT_inspector.php




This ACT utility has checked your install for various requirements. If these requirements are not met, your ACT install may not run, or have issues. The requirements checked are such things as, the correct version of PHP, correct PHP extensions, a working directory that has the correct permissions set, and more. As new requirements are created, their tests will be added to this page.


The URL to the ACT Validator will be: http://your_hostname/ACT_requirements.php

This utility has three sections. Prerequisites checks, Configuration Checks, and a quick view of your ACT_config.php file.



By default the Validator shows only the test results for system requirements. Each time you make a correction to your system to fix any issues, you can click the refresh button to see if the test will pass.

Configuration Results


By unchecking the Prerequisites checkbox, the Validator will show all test results including configuration settings.

Quick View of ACT_Config.php


You can get a quick view of your ACT_config file by clicking on the Show button.


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Accrual to Clinical Trials ACT