i2b2 Community Wiki
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i2b2 Community Wiki i2b2

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Welcome to the i2b2 Community Wiki

The central place for the i2b2 Community to communicate and share projects with other users. Here you will find the latest information on the i2b2 Software, what others in the community are doing, and find resources to help answer any questions you may have about the i2b2.

Space: Accrual to Clinical Trials
The Accrual to Clinical Trials (ACT) project goal is to create a federated network of National Clinical and Translationa…
Space: Additional Tutorials and Documentation
Space: Bundles and CDM
Space: C3-PRO FHIR Uploading Cell
C3PRO Research Framework is an iOS framework written in Swift. Combining FHIR and ResearchKit, usually for data storage …
Space: CARE - Cohort Analysis & Refinement Expeditors
A collection of webclient plugins to facilitate the analyses & refinement of Patient Set usages.
Space: Clinical Trender
The Clinical Trender aims to allow researchers to track and visualize certain clinical variables related to a selected p…
Space: Community Project
Space: Control Matching
A server side plugin to find a set of matched controls based upon a patient set.
Space: CRC Tester
A Workbench plugin that tests the CRC web services by Mike Mendis
Space: Crimson
A project to make specimens available through i2b2 infrastructure, organized by Lynn Bry
Space: Developers Getting Started With i2b2
Are you a new developer to i2b2? Read this section on how to get started, including instructions on obtaining software a…
Space: Events
Information about upcoming and past i2b2 events.
Space: ExportXLS
The i2b2 Web Client Plugin that tabulates patient data & applicable specified concepts; and facilitates export to spread…
Space: FACE caGrid CQL2 Data Source
A caGrid/TRIAD data service that runs i2b2 queries via the RESTful interface to CRC
Space: Familial, Associational, & Incidental Relationships (FAIR) Initiative.
A collection of DBA tools and webclient plugins to facilitate the identification of related concepts amongst related pat…
Space: Federated Query Simulations
Simulations of federated query tools that return aggregate counts, such as SHRINE, by Griffin Weber
Space: Genomic NGS Tool
NextGeneration Sequencing Genomics tools for i2b2. New Sequence Ontology and tools to import NGS data.
Space: GIRI (Generic integration of R into i2b2)
A project to make arbitrary R functions available within the i2b2 Web Client.
Space: Health Ontology Mapper
A general purpose instance mapper and associated ETL processing function running as an i2b2 cell, organized by Rob Wynde…
The Hospital Medicine Reengineering Network, organized by Nick Anderson
Space: i2b2 Academic Users Group
This space accepts documents from AUG members, as well as containing the threads from our AUG email.
Space: i2b2-based Registries
An enhanced patient registry and an associated web based toolkit, organized by Keith Marsolo
Space: i2b2-cdi
Concept Derivation Infrastructure: Docker container and simplified spreadsheetbased ETL
Space: i2b2 Community Projects
Central space for highlighting and accessing the projects done by i2b2 Community.
Space: i2b2 Community Wiki
Space: i2b2 Developer's Forum
In depth discussions and postings from the core i2b2 team on enhancing performance, exploring advanced options, and futu…
Space: i2b2 FHIR Cell
Built by Kavishwar Wagholikar, this i2b2 addition allows SMART cells to communicate with the i2b2 core using the Fast He…
Space: i2b2omop
Space: i2b2 on Genomics Data
This community project extends the current i2b2 query functionality by providing the ability to query for genotyped subj…
Space: i2b2 Web Client
The i2b2 Web Client is one of several core projects that are directly sponsored by the i2b2 team.
Space: i2b2 wizard
Useful tool for installing i2b2 from scratch organized by Sebastian Mate
Space: i2b2 Workbench
The i2b2 Workbench is one of two i2b2 clients available to the i2b2 community. It is a collection of clientside componen…
Space: i2b2 Working Groups
There are a few working groups that meet on a regularly basis to discuss current and future challenges facing i2b2 in so…
Space: IDRT - Integrated Data Repository Toolkit
A novel rest API that allows short restful messages to communicate with i2b2.
Space: Incorporating Number Of Studies Query capability in i2b2
Implements an administrative interface that reports Buber of studies done in an i2b2 hive.
Space: Loyalty Cohorts
Because electronic health records are often missing information about patients,...
Space: MedCo
Enabling Secure and PrivacyPreserving Exploration of Distributed Clinical and Genomic Data
Space: mi2b2
Medical Imaging Informatics Bench to Bedside, organized by Christopher Herrick
Space: Multi-fact Table
The multifact table project is a new feature introduced in 1.7.09 that enables the i2b2 to query more than one fact tabl…
Space: NLP cTAKES Project
A project which integrates cTAKES and i2b2 to extract concepts via NLP from clinical narrative into the i2b2 observation…
Space: Normal Patient
This plugin contains a database script that identifies "healthy normal" patients in an i2b2 CRC cell. This is important …
Space: ODM to i2b2 importer
i2b2 cell to import electronic data capture (EDC) data such as data from REDCap and import into i2b2.
Space: OMOP
The legacy i2b2 data model is comprised of a central fact table (observationfact) surrounded by multiple dimension table…
Space: Ontology Tools
Tools to extract and organize ontologies. The tools are organized by Lori Phillips. Recent additions is a library of ont…
Space: PopMedNet Tools
Using PopMedNet and i2b2 for Distributed Queries
Space: Query Health
Integrating i2b2 and Query Health for standardscompliant population health management
Space: RDF to i2b2 Conversion
Space: REDCap Tools
Research Electronic Data Capture Organized by Mark Weiner
Space: Release Management
Central location for information about the different releases of the i2b2 software.
Space: SCIHLS Disease Data Mart Request
Automated Creation of a new data mart with the SCILHS ontology for projects that are initiated by a SCILHS SHRINE query.
Space: SCILHS PCORnet Common Data Model Ontology
SCILHS (with much help from others) has developed an i2b2 information model that represents the PCORnet Common Data Mode…
Space: Server (Cells) Architecture Home
Space: Server (Cells) Design
Space: Server (Cells) Messaging Home
Space: SETL - Standards-based Extract, Transform, and Load
Interoperability with standardsbased clinical data formats, including HL7 Continuity of Care Documents
Space: Shared Clinical Trial Projects
The Shared Health Research Information Network, organized by Doug MacFadden
Space: SMART
Substitutable Medical Apps, reusable technologies i2b2 integration, organized by Nich Wattanasin
Space: SNP Terminology development with VISTA
Creating Single Nucleotide Polymorphism terminologies that will survive versioning, organized by Lori Phillips
Space: Synthea data in i2b2
Synthea synthetic data can now be loaded into i2b2 for testing. A 63k sample of SyntheticMass patients is available for …
Space: TimeAlign
TimeAlign displays the records and their events in a linear, zoomable timeline that allows investigators to quickly gras…
Space: Workplace Items Sharing Enhancement
A collection of webclient plugins that Enhance the Sharing of Items within the Workplace pane

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i2b2 Community Wiki i2b2