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Assumption: the record(s) in the update file (new record) has the same primary key as a record(s) in the associated table (existing record).
Primary Key includes:
Encounter number
Patient number
Concept code
Start date
Modifier code
Observer code
Append Flag = True
The following conditions will result in the new record replacing the existing record:

new record update date

equal to (=)


update date on the existing record


new record update date

greater than (>)


update date on the existing record


new record update date

is not null


update date on the existing record


new record update date



update date on the existing record


The following conditions will result in ignoring the new record and not updating the existing record:

new record update date

less than (<)


update date on the existing record


new record update date



update date on the existing record

is not null

The loader process loads the PDO data in a certain order, which is based on the data dependency of the data mart. The order of the data load is shown in the below diagram.

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Server (Cells) Messaging Home ServerellsMessagingHome