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A get_folder_by_project message returns a list of folders that will be displayed as roots of the Workplace tree. No other information needs to be passed to the service.
User information is provided in the <message_header>; roles will be provided by the Project Management (PM) cell.

Get a List of Folders Associated with a Project

The get_folder_by_project message is sent by the workplace view to populate the root nodes of all users in a project. This feature is accessible by users with the role of MANAGER.
The sequence of events is as follows (assumes max is not an issue)

  1. The client requests a list of categories for a given user (get_folder_by_project)

Request type = core

  1. The WORK server performs the following steps:
    1. Get a list of roles available for this user from the PM cell (this also serves to validate the user)
    2. Query the WORKPLACE_ACCESS table for the list of folders associated with this project.

  1. The client maps the list of folders to the Workplace root node.

GET_folder_by_project Request Message

<work:get_folders_by_project type="core"/>

Possible "type" Settings




Return all data except system / date information

GET_folder_by_userid Response Message

Response Message:

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