Scenario: Get patient data from a patient set id
This request is divided into three parts:
- input_list
The input_list accepts either the id of the patient set or a list of patient ids.
- filter_list
The filter_list holds a list of panels. The panels have the item details that are used in constructing a PDO query.
- output_option
The output_option specifies which set of patient data to return.
Each of the patient data sections in the output_option has attributes to specify the level of detail data that is expected in the response.
Request Type |
Request |
Response |
getPDO_fromInputList |
GetPDOFromInputList_requestType |
master_responseType |
Input Option List Type
The input list to the PDO request can be in one of the following formats. i.e. the patient_list, encounter_list, pid_list, and eid_list.
Element Name |
Description |
patient_list |
The patient_list input can be in one of these three forms.
encounter_list |
The encounter_list input format is similar to the patient_list. This list can be in one of three forms.
pid_list |
The pid_list consists of a list of enumerated patient ids (patient_ide) and their source value. This input allows the user to query the data via the patient_ide and its source. The PDO service first maps the patient_ide to the patient_num before querying the datamart. |
eid_list |
The eid_list consists of a list of enumerated encounter ids (encounter_ide) and their source value. This input allows the user to query the data via the encounter_ide and its source. The PDO service first maps the encounter_ide to the encounter_num before querying the datamart. |
Filter List Type
Please refer to the earlier section titled Panel Definition Detail.
The LARGETEXT search in the panel definition requires the minimum of DATA_DEID user role.
Output Option List Type
This option specifies the list of sections that is required in the PDO response.
Attribute Name |
Description |
Implemented |
name = "asattributes |
none" |
This option specifies to return the names for the codes when returning the PDO data. The names for the codes are available in the CODE_LOOKUP table. |
Yes |
phi = "encrypted |
unencrypted" |
No |
time = "nozone |
withzone" |
No |
<!-- output options -->
<output_option name="asattributes">
<patient_set select="using_filter_list" onlykeys="true"/>
<concept_set_using_filter_list select="using_filter_list" onlykeys="true"/>
<modifier_set_using_filter_list select="using_filter_list" onlykeys="true"/>
<observation_set selectionfilter="min_value" withmodifiers="true" blob="false" onlykeys="false"/>
<event_set select="using_filter_list" onlykeys="true"/>
<pid_set select="using_filter_list" onlykeys="true"/>
<eid_set select="using_filter_list" onlykeys="true"/>
<observer_set_using_filter_list onlykeys="true"/>
The following are the available options for each element in the <output_option>.
Attribute Name |
Description |
Implemented |
onlykeys = "true |
false" |
If this option is "true" then only the primary keys will be returned. |
blob = "true |
false" |
This option specifies whether the blob field is required in the output. The blob option requires the minimum of DATA_DEID user role. |
techdata = "true |
false" |
This option specifies whether the blob field is required in the output. The blob option requires the minimum of DATA_DEID user role. |
select = "using_filter_list |
using_input_list" |
There are a couple of ways to select the PDO data. |
selectionfilter = "min_value |
max_value |
first_value |
last_value |
single_observation |
last_n_values" |
This option will retrieve specific results depending on which one is defined in the xml message. |
Element Name |
Description |
patient_set |
Return the set of patient dimension data either for the input list or from the patient present in the observation set. |
observation_set |
Return the observation set of the patient data object. There could be a multiple number of <observation_set> returned and the number of <observation_set> returned will be equal to the number of panels defined in the filter list. |
Attribute |
Description |
withmodifiers = "true |
false" |
If the value is "false" then the service will return the observation where the modifier_cd = '@'. |
ue |
Return the set containing event / visit dimension data occurring in the observation set or from the input list. |
pid_set |
Return the patient mapping table's information for the given input list or from the observation set. |
patient_ide |
patient_ide_source |
patient_num |
patient_ide_status |
1000000 |
1000000 |
A |
1000001 |
1000001 |
A |
123 |
1000001 |
A |
777 |
1000001 |
A |
<!--pid with only the hive number -->
<patient_id status="A" source="HIVE">1000000</patient_id>
<patient_id status="A" source="HIVE">1000001</patient_id>
<patient_map_id status="A" source="MGH">123</patient_map_id>
<patient_map_id status="A" source="BWH">777</patient_map_id>
eid_set |
Return the encounter mapping table's information for the given input list or from the observation set. |
observer_set_using_filter_list |
Return the set containing observer / provider dimension data occurring in the observation set. |
concept_set_using_filter_list |
Return the set of concept dimension data occurring in the observation set. |
modifier_set_using_filter_list |
Return the set of modifier dimension data occurring in the observation set. |
<crc:request xsi:type="ns2:GetPDOFromInputList_requestType"
<!-- inputlist -->
<patient_list max="300" min="1">
<pid_list min="1" max="3">
<pid index="1" source="HIVE">9876</pid>
<pid index="3" source="HIVE">1</pid>
<eid_list min="1" max="5">
<eid index="1" source="HIVE">12222313</eid>
<!-- filterlist -->
<panel name="panel1">
<value_constraint> </value_constraint>
. . .
<panel name="panel2">
<item_name> </item_name>
<item_key> </item_key>
. . .
<!-- output options -->
<patient_set select="using_filter_list" onlykeys="true"/>
<concept_set_using_filter_list select="using_filter_list" onlykeys="true"/>
<modifier_set_using_filter_list select="using_filter_list" onlykeys="true"/>
<observation_set blob="false" onlykeys="false"/>
<event_set select="using_filter_list" onlykeys="true"/>
<pid_set select="using_filter_list" onlykeys="true"/>
<eid_set select="using_filter_list" onlykeys="true"/>
<observer_set_using_filter_list onlykeys="true"/>
<!-- To specify generalized dimension type -->
<dimension_set_using_filter_list dimensionname="dimension1" onlykeys="true"/>
<!-- response begin -->
<!-- patient set section begins -->
<param column="vital_status_cd" type="string"
column_descriptor="date interpretation code"
name=" ">param3</param>
<param column="birth_date" type="dateTime"
<param column="death_date" type="dateTime"
column_descriptor="date of death">param3</param>
<param column="sex_cd" type="string"
column_descriptor="gender" name="">param3</param>
<param column="age_in_years_num" type="int"
<param column="language_cd" type="string"
column_descriptor="language" name="">param3</param>
<param column="race_cd" type="string"
column_descriptor ="race" name="">param3</param>
<param column="religion_cd" type="string"
column_descriptor ="religion" name="">param3</param>
<param column="marital_status_cd" type="string"
column_descriptor ="marital status" name="">param3</param>
<param column="statecityzip_path_char" type="string"
column_descriptor="zip code hierarchy"
name="" >param3</param>
. . .
<!-- concept set section begins -->
. . .
<!-- observation set section begins -->
<observation_set panel_name="panel1">
<event_id source="source3">event_id3</event_id>
<concept_cd name="name0">concept_cd3</concept_cd>
<observer_cd soruce="soruce0">observer_cd3</observer_cd>
<modifier_cd name="name1">modifier_cd0</modifier_cd>
<nval_num units="units0">3.141592653589</nval_num>
<valueflag_cd name="name2">valueflag_cd0</valueflag_cd>
<location_cd name="name3">location_cd0</location_cd>
. . .
<observation_set panel_name="panel2">
. . .
. . .
. . .
<!-- event set section begins -->
<event_id source="source0">event_id0</event_id>
<param column="inout_cd" type="string" name=""
column_descriptor="in vs. outpatient code"></param>
<param column="location_cd" type="string" name=""
column_descriptor="location code"></param>
<param column="location_path" type="string" name=""
column_descriptor="location hierarchy"></param>
<param column="active_status_cd" type="string" name=""
column_descriptor="date interpretation code"></param>
. . .
<!-- observer / provider set section begins -->
. . .
<!-- pid set section begins -->
<patient_id status="A" source="HIVE">123456</patient_id>
<patient_id status="A" source="HIVE">234567</patient_id>
<patient_map_id status="A" source="EMP_E">ABC1</patient_map_id>
<patient_map_id status="A" source="MGH_E">XYZ1</patient_map_id>
. . .
<!-- response end -->
Scenario: Get observation blob by primary key
This request returns the observation blob using the observation primary key.
<ns5:request xsi:type="ns5:GetObservationFactByPrimaryKey_requestType" xmlns:xsi="">
<fact_output_option select="using_filter_list" onlykeys="false"/>
<event_id source="source3">event_id3</event_id>
<concept_cd name="name0">concept_cd3</concept_cd>
<observer_cd soruce="soruce0">observer_cd3</observer_cd>
</observation >