Server (Cells) Design
Space shortcuts
Space Tools
Server (Cells) Design ServerSideDesign

Concepts may be dragged from the Ontology, Query Tool, and Timeline views. The namespace for the schema that defines the Concepts XML content is
The plugin_drag_drop XML message for concepts is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<plugin_drag_drop xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns2="">
<key>\\i2b2\i2b2\Diagnoses\Circulatory system (390-459)\Acute Rheumatic fever (390-392)</key>
<name>Acute Rheumatic fever</name>
<dimcode>\i2b2\Diagnoses\Circulatory system (390-459)\Acute Rheumatic fever (390-392)</dimcode>
<tooltip>Diagnoses \ Circulatory system \ Acute Rheumatic fever</tooltip>

  • No labels

Server (Cells) Design ServerSideDesign