A hive can have multiple projects setup.
Project Data
- The project data page captures general information about the project.
- The information will be stored in the PM_PROJECT_DATA table.
Project Parameters
- Parameters entered here are specific to the project.
- The project parameters can be added from the project parameters page.
- The information will be stored in the PM_PROJECT_PARAMS table.
Project Users
- The project users' page captures information regarding which users have access to the project and their role. (see next section for detailed information regarding roles)
- The information will be stored in the PM_PROJECT_USER_ROLES table.
Project User Roles
Each user will have at least two roles per user_id and product_id combination. These two roles can be further defined as a Data Protection role and a Hive Management role.
The data protection role establishes the detail of data the user can see while the hive management role defines the level of functionality the user has in a project. The following tables summarize the roles in a hierarchical order of least to most access.
Data Protection Track |
Role |
Access Description |
OBFSC = Obfuscated
AGG = Aggregated
LDS = Limited Data Set
DEID = De-identified Data
PROT = Protected
Hive Management Track |
Role |
Access Description |
Can create queries and access them if he / she is the owner of the query. |
Can create queries as well as access queries created by different users within the project |
- Additional roles can be added to the PM_PROJECT_USER_ROLES table but there will not be any recognized hierarchy to those roles.
Project User Parameters
- Parameters entered here are specific to the user and the project.
- The project's user parameters can be added from the project users' page. Once you click on a project an additional section for entering the user parameters will appear at the bottom of the page.
- The information will be stored in the PM_PROJECT_USER_PARAMS table.